Re-Opening June 6th, 2020 New Protocols

Thank you all for your patience and generosity during these uncertain and trying times. We are happy to announce we will start taking clients by appointment only starting June 6th. The following list will outline new protocols so you will know what to expect upon returning to the salon.
*Only clients receiving services will be allowed in the salon
*No more than 6 people will be allowed in the salon at any one time and will maintain six (6) feet social distance
*Each area, all tools, stations and equipment will be sanitized and/or disinfected between each client
*Masks will be mandatory. Please do not remove your mask during your visit
*We have set up a entry station for sanitation and communication upon arrival
*All stylists have updated certification on sanitation protocols via Barbicide TM and
*All clients will be asked to sign a form agreeing to the above stated protocols and releasing scissors.paper.rock, LLC from any and all liability relating to COVID 19